About the Journal

Religion and culture have a complex relationship and influence each other in people's lives. The two cannot be separated and play an important role in shaping the identity and character of a society. Religion influences culture by providing the values, norms, and rules that shape behaviors and habits. Community habits are in the form of local customs that are often influenced by religion so that local traditions that develop in society are always interpreted as magical elements that are believed to be derived from religion. On the contrary, culture influences religion a lot, giving birth to religious rituals and practices that are thick with the nuances of unique customs and traditions of the community containing local art, music, and traditions. This uniqueness actually plays a role in strengthening religious understanding, enriching religious experience and making religious teachings more relevant to the social context.

Religious and cultural acculturation is increasingly developing, giving birth to social changes that develop into a religious or cultural movement so that dichotomies can occur in society. The dichotomy has the potential to give birth to contestation that develops into a conflict of interest. These conflicts of interest are increasingly sharp due to economic and political competition in maintaining the existence of their respective groups. Therefore, this phenomenon requires concrete solutions based on more specific socio-religious studies. Religious and cultural diversity needs to be studied more deeply regarding the adaptation of local religions and cultures in order to create harmony and peace in the world community.

If you have fascinating field research findings on the adaptation of local faiths and cultures from around the world, please join us by submitting a scientific publication to the Penamas Journal. Penamas (Religion and Society Research) is a journal that focuses on the study of the adaptation of local religions and cultures of communities around the world. This publication aims to inform readers about socio-religious issues by publishing articles based on field research and an in-depth interview approach. The Scope of Penamas Journal is: Acculturation of Cultures and Religions in Society

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